If you think being a call center agent is all luxury, then feed on these:
- paying 20php for a trisikad pakyaw every night.kelangan na ba ng diesel ang paa ngeun pra pumadyak?swapang!!
- sleeping in sitting position and eyes partially open..kaya mo yon?
- the log out button is the sweetest invention ever in the world!
- fakin' a smile and modulating a sweet voice when what you really wanted to do was SCREAM and YELL at your uber irate customer who couldnt accept the fact that he is DEAF, DUMB and LEGALLY BLIND!;
- for newbies like me, nervously waiting for that first fukcin DING DING!
- prank callers sucked bigtime.
- boredom led to blogging your suckin lovelife in your notepad(eh kung sana alam ko lang na in a few seconds all the 4 floors will read and talk about it!);
- fridays as saturdays and sundays as mondays.Who the hell invented real time?
- As far as i know, LOW by florida is still the "in" thing.dang!that's sOOoo outdated!
- My roOm has never been this dark-lit or literally 'all covered in sheets'.
- You get to learn to budget your time.Yosi:3mins. Snacks:5 minutes.CR:2mins. impressive ei?
- Gossiping and blogging are the next best things next to sleeping..
- fave time of every shift is AUX 2 (i get to savour my meal for 3o minutes)
- the CONCEALER is every agent's bestfriend
- days off are spent either pigging out or blissful sleeping like there's no tomorrow.
- On your way home, lahat ng ng katabi mo sa jeep ang babango pa pero feeling mo ikaw you smell like a stinking carpet.
- the wonderful friendships developed in the call floor is incomparable
- reps are paid handsomely.talk about night differentials and meal allowances..hmmm...
- simple "Oh dear you are so nice" from a satisfied customer is better than a commendation or a 100% QA score.
- american twang lessons for free!
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