July 6 Sunday 1:00pm
After another weekend mischief, i woke up with friggin headache, a runny nose and low fever. hangover?no!! these are positive pathognomic signs of INFLUENZA.Forgive me,i just got my BOARD EXAM RESULTS FROM PRC MANILA FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!i have every right to be medical-ish..Anyhow,this is SoOoo annoying!I should have been out there enjoying one fine sunday before returning to work,but instead, I was stuck in my bed blowing my brains outta my nose and practically using up all the tissue there is in the world!Ive got 11 fukcin ticking hours to cure myself. Thanks to my genetically uber-weak immune system, it usually takes me 3-5 days to get back to normal functioning.No way am i using my sick leaves, I cant put my pending regularization at stake!Curse all you want b*tch coz you dont hava choice..
i should be pigging out by now but hell i can barely touch my food. You are officially sick NEL, that alone is good enough to declare.Im too tired to belly dance or even watch tv.I might spread my virus so I cant play with Bebe Ela either. What the hell am i supposed to do?!?Just lock yourself inside your room you poor sexy thing:(
Sulked in my bed.Listened to my old but ever useful shuffle. What now?My brain's still hyperactive though my body just wants to turn off for a recharge. Hmmm..Maybe this was the perfect time to stop,look and listen. i have all the time to be alone and evaluate the general and specific aspects of ME. I call this An Internal audit of my beautiful mind.Ching!
I looked back and reminisced. Call it weird but i had fun. There were some parts in my life that i badly wanted to EDIT, while there were some memories I just want to savour or relive forever. I found out how pretty much my life has changed after I got my heart broken by that a**hole.
Just to name a few:
1. Im dating this special guy for months but still i dont see or feel love. I just badly needed to feel attached.
2. Ive been bad. I lied,I cheated and betrayed. Lets just not delve more on the details ok?Where have my morals gone??
3. I drink and smoke compulsively.Even my caffeine intake is too much for a stress buster alibi.
4. I skipped my belly dancing routine at home. I dont even walk a lot anymore.
5. Im always broke and i dont know why. Im already hired remember?
Ergo, it still boils down to one perpetrator.I allowed one person to take away not only my happiness but my entire life. I bet he's already having a time of his life( is he?hmm) while I made a mess out of mine. Momy Joanne is right, Im still lucky I didnt suffer consequences such as unwanted pregnancy and the likes. If i choose to live a wonderful life ahead of me, i still have my chance and I have all the time in the world.So it's time to start a TOTAL MAKE OVER. By this i mean i need an overhaul INSIDE and OUT.
11:00 pm
I went to work still sick but with a BIG SMILE IN MY HEART:))
Its ironic indeed, all i need was an annoying sickness to finally realize. My friends all laughed at me when I told them about this. But i know deep inside them was the secret desire to acquire MY FLU too.aheiks! Gazillion splashes of infected salivae to all of you! ;p
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